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This time abt MY LOVELY GREEN..... It did it again.... and again. I won't give up. It was happened last 2 days. I noticed that something wrong with Power Steering Fluid tank. Today, I went to workshop and checked wat happened actually. But I was so surprised nothing wrong with my P.S.F.Tank. The answer make me smile. But it just a few second..... uwaaaa

The ENGINEMAN told me that my engine oil is leaking.... and it will take 2 days to repair it coz they have to take out the engine out to fix the problem. Uwaaaaa..... help me!!!! AND it will cost me RM600 to RM700. OMG..... I'm dying.... ishkk....ishkk.... Give me some fresh air.

This is not a 1st time MY LOVELY GREEN been diagnosed. I did change the fuse, the timing belt, water pump and etc. All these changes cost me more than RM2,000.00 for this year. These costs are not includes for it tyres and reams.

Moral of the story.... love to be silent..... hmmm.... (Its better rite?)